Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What Is A Sissy Girl?

In Second Life we get to define who we are and who we want to be.  In the real world, biology isn’t something that can be easily changed.   Even for persons who want to transition from one gender to another, it’s a long and difficult process.  I really have a lot of sympathy and admiration for persons who choose to change their gender.  It takes a lot of courage.  Second Life makes things so much easier.  Gender can become fluid.  A couple of mouse clicks and you’re a woman or a man or anything in between.  Even your species can be changed.  I’ve met regular humans, furries, and even just animal avatars.  
Just like gender, labels are fluid too.  I can call myself whatever I want.  And I choose to be a sissy girl.  The general community in Second Life calls transgendered persons “shemales”, and I really have nothing against that term.  However, when I think of the word “shemale”, I think of porn and all the videos with Brazilian Shemales or whatever.  I suppose that “shemale” is just the word that the community has adopted as a whole.  Whether it’s the club that I work at, Shemale Heaven and Hell, or the clubs I go to, Bottoms Up Shemale Castle, the word shemale is the best descriptor of the community. 
In the real world, which is a dreary place, politically correct terms apply, and I would be considered a transgendered woman.  That term sounds antiseptic to me, and it lacks the visceral reality of who and what I want to be.  I have no interest in being a woman or being female.  Instead, I feel like I fall somewhere in between being a man or a woman.  Gender isn’t binary to me; it’s a continuum. A person doesn’t have to be one thing or another, black or white.  Many shades of grey exist between those the two poles. 
So, amongst all the terms that I could choose from, I chose “sissy girl.”  Of course, that term has its own connotations.  Sissies are generally thought of as weak, submissive males.  Usually, I’ve found the word “Sissy Boy” most commonly used either to make fun of submissive gay men or a label self-applied by effeminate males who crossdress.  I don’t really feel like a male at all, to be quite honest; so, I would never call myself a “boy”.
 I think “Sissy Girl” fits me better than any other term.  A “girl” is feminine, soft, beautiful, young, and free.  A “sissy” isn’t male or masculine, but it implies that I am not biologically female.  Together the words, create an image of a beautiful person, neither male nor female, who is proud and happy and content.  It’s not really my word; I learned it from Missy.  It just feels right. 
I don’t get offended if someone calls me a “shemale” or a “Tgirl” or whatever.  I get offended if you don’t give me the respect and courtesy that any person deserves.  Just because I’m a sissy girl, doesn’t mean that I’m a sex object or a toy.  I’m a person first and foremost, and after that the other labels apply.  I think that if we all keep that in mind in real life and Second Life, then perhaps we’ll make both better. 

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